Policy: Life Below Water

At Wind Birds, we are committed to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water. We understand the crucial role of conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

Our commitments include:

  1. Promoting responsible tourism that respects marine environments and contributes to their conservation.
  2. Educating our clients about the importance of marine conservation.
  3. Collaborating with marine conservation organizations and initiatives.

Strategic Action Plan: Life Below Water

Objective 1: Promote Responsible Tourism


  1. Develop and promote tourism packages that respect marine environments and contribute to their conservation.
  2. Implement a code of conduct for our clients to ensure their activities do not harm marine environments.
  3. Regularly review and update our operations to minimize their impact on marine environments.

Objective 2: Educate Clients About Marine Conservation


  1. Include information about marine conservation in our tour materials and briefings.
  2. Organize events and activities that educate clients about marine conservation and its importance.
  3. Encourage clients to support marine conservation initiatives.

Objective 3: Collaborate with Marine Conservation Organizations


  1. Establish partnerships with marine conservation organizations to support their work and learn from their expertise.
  2. Contribute a portion of our profits to marine conservation initiatives.
  3. Advocate for marine conservation policies in the tourism sector at the local and national level.

Communication Plan: Life Below Water

Objective: Effectively communicate our commitment to Life Below Water to all stakeholders.


  1. Regularly update our website and social media channels with our initiatives towards promoting marine conservation.
  2. Organize events and webinars to discuss our commitment to this goal and share our progress.
  3. Incorporate information on our commitment to marine conservation in our promotional materials.
  4. Regularly engage with our employees, customers, and partners about our marine conservation initiatives.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is our priority. We adhere to a zero-knowledge principle, ensuring that no personal information is collected or stored. We don't use third-party services or analytics tools that could access your data, keeping your activities completely private and secure.